Welcome to our very first installment of what’s going on in NH. In this blog post, we’ll discuss a variety of things happening in and around NH related to the law. You can expect to find real information regarding pending, proposed, and changing laws, as well as the latest in trending and hot topic law enforcement cases and issues.

Amazon Alexa Recordings Could be in Violation of NH Law

Amazon Echo Dot

A lawsuit based out of Seattle could have a lot of merit in NH. The lawsuit, filed in early June, states that recording children without consent can be in violation of the law in up to eight states, with New Hampshire being one of them. It is worth noting that Amazon has stated Alexa keeps permanent recordings of a “user’s voice”, and some individuals have had complaints about Alexa and other home assistants perpetually recording. For more information about this lawsuit, visit the Seattle Times.

Law Signed to Designate Red-Tailed Hawk as State Raptor

Red Tailed Hawk

After being proposed over four years ago by Hampton Falls fourth graders, Gov. Chris Sununu signed into law a bill stating that the red-tailed hawk is officially the state raptor for New Hampshire. For more information, visit WCAX.

NH & Vermont Marijuana Bills Could be Delayed


New Hampshire’s House voted last year to pass a bill recreationalizing marijuana use in the state in May, but did not have enough votes to override Gov. Chris Sununu’s veto. The bill, as passed by the House, would legalize up to 1 ounce of marijuana possession for adults, and allow residents to grow up to six plants. The Senate is looking to vote on the bill in December or early next year. For more information, visit NHPR.org

3 of 4 Bear Brook Murder Victims Identified

What's going on in NH?

In a notorious case that rocked NH in both 1985 and 2000, the bodies of four individuals — an adult woman and three female children — were found in two barrels, one discovered in 1985 and another in 2000. In 2017, new forensic evidence was able to identify the murderer. Now, three of the four victims have been identified as Marlyse Elizabeth Honeychurch and her two daughters, Marie Elizabeth Vaughn and Sarah Lynn McWaters. The identity of the third child is still unknown. For more information, visit WBUR.com

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