It’s hard enough for some parents to relinquish the car keys and trust their newly licensed teen to drive alone. Not only are these parents worried about their teen’s safety, but also the driving behaviors of other drivers, such as driving under the influence (DUI) in NH.

As you might suspect, for underage drivers, the consequences of a DUI conviction can be even more severe due to strict laws and the potential long-term impact on their future. 

Our team is here to help you navigate the legal process in the event that your teen is charged with DUI. Instead, we hope you’ll read this blog post and share it with your teen driver so that they might recognize the severity of underage DUI in NH and commit to smarter, safer driving. 

Understanding Underage DUI Laws in New Hampshire

In New Hampshire, the legal drinking age is 21, and the state’s DUI laws reflect a zero-tolerance approach for drivers under the age of 21. 

What does zero-tolerance mean in this situation? Any measurable amount of alcohol in the system of a driver under 21 can lead to a DUI charge. 

Additionally, drivers under the age of 21 can face DUI charges with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.02%, which is significantly lower than the 0.08% BAC limit for drivers aged 21 and over.

Recognizing the Penalties for Underage DUI

The penalties for an underage DUI conviction in New Hampshire can be severe, depending on the type of offense and whether others were impacted. Generally speaking, penalties for underage DUI in NH can include any or all of the following:

  • License loss/suspension: Underage DUI convictions in NH result in a 12-month loss of license.  
  • Fines: A first offense can result in fines ranging from $500 to $1,200 and subsequent offenses may lead to higher fines.
  • Jail time: While a first-time offender may not face jail time, repeat offenses or aggravated cases can lead to incarceration.

A Penalty on Potential: How an Underage DUI Conviction Impacts Opportunities

A DUI conviction can have far-reaching consequences for anyone, but especially teen drivers with respect to their education, employment opportunities, and even their finances. We realize their finances are likely YOUR finances and it’s important to know that an underage DUI conviction will lead to higher auto insurance premiums. In fact, the rate increase can be significant. 

From an educational standpoint, any DUI record can have implications for college admissions and scholarship opportunities; while potential employers might discount your teen’s application for employment because of this charge. 

We’re here to help.

In our experience as a NH DUI/DWI practice, the best way to prevent underage DUI is to communicate with and educate your teen about the risks involved, while presenting safe alternatives and setting your expectations. If you’ve come to this blog post too late, we encourage you to contact us anytime. Simply click here or call our office at 603-945-5111.

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