Welcome to another edition of what’s going on in NH law! In today’s edition, we’re going to talk about something on a lot of people’s minds — the election. While the democratic primary has come and gone, there will still be a lot of hubbub in NH until the general election come November. We want to take some time to talk about some rights you do have, and rights you don’t have for voting in NH.

NH Felons Can Vote
If you were convicted of a felonious crime, no matter how long ago, as long as you are no longer incarcerated (in jail), you are eligible to vote in the state of New Hampshire. Additionally, individuals serving time for misdemeanors or any offense that is less than a felony still retain the right to vote. Many felons are surprised to learn this. If you are a convicted felon out of jail, enjoy your restored right to vote by registering.
Out-of-state Students Need to do More to Vote
Due to a law passed in 2019, if you are attending college in New Hampshire and want to vote, you will have to prove that you plan to stay in New Hampshire by providing a valid driver’s license and vehicle car registration. There is some debate about these new measures, including if they are causing undue burden or amounting to a poll tax, but for now, if you are a college student in NH but reside elsewhere, you may want to fill out an absentee ballot for your home state.
NH Touts Old, Nearly Un-hackable Voting Machines
Since 1990, New Hampshire has been using the same machines to count ballots. Similar to a ScanTron that you may be familiar with during school usage, it uses light detection technology to determine and count votes. The machines come with pros and cons, but has proven to be more successful and smoother than newer technologies, such as that disastrous app introduced in Iowa this year.
Simulated Election Tampering in NH Prepares Authorities for Anything
A group called K-OS, was hired to attempt to tamper with the US election — in a simulated environment, that is. The purpose of this group and their exercises is to take into consideration any sort of ploys or tactics people or groups with interest in swaying the US election may take, and how we can subvert them. What unfolds during the Manchester, NH simulation is a sobering example of how social media and the news can be used to falsely report information that may sway our decision making.
We certainly hope that the elections don’t end up like the simulation above. We hope you enjoyed this election edition NH law blog. Stay tuned for our next installment keeping you up-to-date on the latest in NH law.