It’s time for another installment of what’s going on in NH law! We’ll be focusing on some interesting articles for August 2019 and potentially new laws coming to New Hampshire. Let’s take a look:

NH Voter Residency Laws Being Challenged

A federal judge recently allowed a challenge to NH voter residency laws. The new law which took effect July 1st, 2019 ends the distinction between “residency” and “domicile” for voting purposes. This can potentially make it difficult for out-of-state college students to vote in NH, given they would need to register a car or obtain a NH driver’s license. Read more on the Concord Monitor.

New Bills Help Crack Down on Animal Cruelty

Two new bills aimed at cracking down animal cruelty were approved at the end of July. These two bills help to speed up the process of animal cruelty cases which can allow permanent placement of animals confiscated during the case, allowing them better lives sooner. It also bars owners convicted of cruelty from claiming ownership for five years, plus more changes. Read more at the Union Leader.

Laconia, NH Women Ask Supreme Court to Weigh In On Topless Sunbathing

Three women, who were arrested in May of 2016 for violating a city ordinance in Laconia, NH against toplessness in a public space are asking the US Supreme Court to hear their case. In February of 2019, the New Hampshire Supreme Court upheld the women’s convictions. Read more at the Union Leader.

Pelham Police Search for “Night Crawler Crew” 

Pelham police are on the lookout for two men believed to be part of a team of thieves known as the “Night Crawler Crew”, which is active in Southern New Hampshire and Massachusetts. The men broke into a gas station through the roof and stole tobacco products. If anyone has any information about the crime, they are asked to contact the Pelham Police Criminal Bureau at 635-2411, or submit a tip via text message by texting PELHAM and your tip to 847411. Read more on the Union Leader.

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