Clinking together alcoholic drinks

Are you liable if you serve alcohol to a drunk driver?

If you’re hosting a house party, it might surprise you to learn that you can be liable for a drunk driver. Serving alcohol to someone past the point of their ability to make clear and rational decisions can come back on you if they get into an accident, destroy someone’s property, or cause bodily harm to someone else. Here’s what you should know about alcohol liability in New Hampshire.


Does a DWI show up on a background check?

When you’re applying for an apartment or a new job, usually your employer or landlord will want you to submit to a background check. If you’re a person who has never been in trouble with the law before, a background check will be smooth sailing, and you’ll have nothing to worry about. If you’re been arrested before, however, you may be nervous about your background check and what it can uncover. Does a DWI show up on a background check?

Human fist

What is intimate partner violence?

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is an issue that’s getting more coverage lately as people become more aware of the problem. It’s surprisingly and unfortunately common. According to the CDC, one in four women and one in ten men experience intimate partner violence in their lifetime. In order to combat intimate partner violence, a term sometimes used interchangeably with domestic violence, it’s important to understand what IPV looks like and how it affects people. 

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