A white person's torso wearing a beige button up shirt and twisting a wedding ring.

What To Do After Receiving Divorce Papers

Even if you know it’s coming, being served with divorce papers can be an emotional experience. For many people, it’s also the first moment that an impending divorce feels “real,” and that means that being served with divorce papers can be extremely stressful as you try to sort out all the things you need to do. In this post, we have an overview of your most important next steps.

a close up of a front fender with a broken headlight and dented hood. the car is silver-grey

Why You Should Never Leave the Scene of an Accident

After an accident involving property damage or bodily injury, all parties must exchange information, law enforcement must be notified, and the accident must be reported. However, leaving the scene of an accident (a “hit-and-run” accident) is more common than you might think. There are some steps you should take after an accident, whether you believe you are at fault or not, to protect yourself and others.

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