Smiling female driver greeting passenger and accepting new request in car sharing application

Designated Drivers and Ride-Sharing Apps: Your Best Friends After a Night Out

A night out with friends is often filled with laughter, good memories, and, for many of us, a few drinks. However, the decisions you make after the fun can have serious consequences if you’re not careful. Driving under the influence (DUI) is not only illegal but also endangers lives, including your own. Fortunately, there are safe alternatives to driving after drinking and those are your dependable designated drivers and ride-sharing apps.

African American father and daughter running trough park. Close up.

Co-Parenting 101: Navigating Back-to-School Season in NH

With the back to school season in full swing, co-parents in NH might feel challenged to navigate new routines, homework, and after-school activities on top of already agreed upon shared custody schedules and responsibilities. Just when you thought you managed co-parenting challenges during summer vacation, September rolls around and you’re back to the drawing board. 

Rather than butt heads with your co-parent or put yourselves through any additional, undue stress, take a look at these strategies to help you create a positive and organized experience for your family.

Clinking together alcoholic drinks

Are you liable if you serve alcohol to a drunk driver?

If you’re hosting a house party, it might surprise you to learn that you can be liable for a drunk driver. Serving alcohol to someone past the point of their ability to make clear and rational decisions can come back on you if they get into an accident, destroy someone’s property, or cause bodily harm to someone else. Here’s what you should know about alcohol liability in New Hampshire.

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