A yellow fan loaded with luggage on a bach with blue sky and ocean in the background

Taking a Shine to Summer Vacation with these 7 Effective Co-parenting Strategies 

With this month — March 19, to be exact — marking the official start of spring, many families are already thinking ahead to summer vacation. For families who co-parent, getting a jump on these plans is a smart idea. Many co-parents are understandably daunted by the prospect of navigating weeks of unstructured time when their children are out of school. However, it is possible to ensure a happy and harmonious summer vacation for everyone. 

A pink paper heart on a string tearing in half.

What is divorce mediation and is it right for you?

Even when it’s the best option for both parties involved, few people actually want to go through the painful and often costly process of divorce, which is where divorce mediation is a solid alternative. In fact, mediation is the casual name of a well-established process called Alternative Dispute Resolution or ADR

Mediation or ADR can mean very different things, depending on the type of case in question. Before we dive into specific details, regarding divorce mediation and whether it’s the right solution for you, we’ll review the general point and practice of mediation as a form of resolution.

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