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What’s going on in NH Law: Election Edition

Welcome to another edition of what’s going on in NH law! In today’s edition, we’re going to talk about something on a lot of people’s minds — the election. While the democratic primary has come and gone, there will still be a lot of hubbub in NH until the general election come November. We want to take some time to talk about some rights you do have, and rights you don’t have for voting in NH.

Brightly colored ornaments hanging on a holiday tree

Does domestic violence “spike” around the holidays? Abusers don’t take a day off

It’s common to think that domestic violence surges come the holidays. Stress, alcohol, and tensions around family members can create a perfect environment for verbal and physical abuse to occur. Many individuals only see family members during this special time of year, and those who have distanced themselves may allow an abusive parent or family member to see them just this once. While that seems like it can cause tensions to erupt again and cause more domestic violence during this time of the year, there is actually very little evidence to prove that around the holidays, more domestic violence occurs.

A girl with her hands on her face in sadness

Online Cyber Bullying – Why “Turning it off” doesn’t work

When many of us were kids, there was no such thing as the internet, and even if there was, there was no such thing as Facebook, SnapChat, or Instagram. If bullying happened, it often happened at school and came in the form of spitballs in the classroom, locker shoving, choice words, or even being ostracized. Very little of this actually followed a child to their home life. Sure, sometimes the neighborhood kids would be rotten, or maybe prank calls would come in at the worst examples of bullying, but when it came to continuing bullying with a parent in the way, it didn’t happen often.

Nowadays, the internet is absolutely everywhere. Kids, in order to fit with their peers and social groups, need to be up on the latest and greatest social network, have the latest phone, and have the same one as their friends. With these avenues also comes the opportunity for children to use these same paths as ways to torment their fellow kids. The problem is with the internet everywhere, it makes it hard for children to escape schoolyard bullying and develop a healthy social circle.

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