New Hampshire Divorce Lawyer & Divorce Attorney

Divorce is a common solution between married couples who are unable to reconcile their differences. Many individuals realize later into their marriages that they have grown apart and may be entirely different people than they were when they first got married. Others get divorced based on adultery, poor treatment or other fault grounds. Whatever your reason for considering divorce, we can help you prepare for this stressful process. Bernstein & Mello PLLC are amongst the top rated divorce attorneys in New Hampshire.
Why divorce?
Many married couples choose divorce as a last ditch option after all other solutions have failed. If you are having difficulty getting along with your spouse where behavioral changes and therapy have failed, are being abused by your spouse, have been cheated on by your spouse, or any variation thereof, you may have come to the conclusion that divorce is inevitable.
Divorce in NH is often sought for a variety of reasons:
- One or both parties are unfaithful
- The parties have grown apart and the marriage cannot be saved
- One party is experiencing emotional or physical abuse from their spouse
- Children are being mistreated or neglected by one party
- Sexual incompatibility
- Spouse was untruthful, lied, or hid the truth prior to becoming married
- Parties were unknowingly blood related during marriage
What does getting divorced in NH require?
The actual act of submitting a Petition for Divorce in NH is relatively cut and dry. The following requirements for a Petition for Divorce must be met: 1) both parties live in New Hampshire, 2) the petitioner (the spouse starting the divorce action) has lived in New Hampshire for one year, or 3) the petitioner lives in New Hampshire and their spouse can be served with divorce papers in New Hampshire. What becomes more complicated in divorce matters is everything after: child custody and support, if children are present, alimony, division of assets and property, and more. These complications can be difficult or near impossible to navigate on your own, can cause a lot of stress and burden, and can be a tedious, multifaceted problem that requires the help of a seasoned and knowledgeable lawyer.
Some considerations and questions you may have are:
- Who gets to keep the house after a divorce?
- Is 50-50 the standard asset division in a New Hampshire divorce?
- Who will become the primary caretaker of my child or children?
- Who gets to keep the dog(s), cat(s), or other pets after a divorce?
- How long will a divorce take in NH?
- How much child support will I need to be required to pay?
We’re here to answer all of your questions — even the tough ones — honestly and respectfully, while giving you guidance to help you navigate what can be a difficult time in your life.
Experience Matters
When it comes to divorce in NH, it’s important to hire a family law attorney who has expertise, knowledge, and offers respectful representation. Bernstein & Mello PLLC has years of experience in family law. Whether your spouse plans to traverse a divorce in an amicable manner or your divorce needs to be litigated, we will represent you accurately and fight for a fair outcome to you.
Bernstein & Mello PLLC is here to provide you fair and affordable representation during your divorce in NH. If you’re considering a divorce in New Hampshire, contact us today for your free consultation.
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